Orobay Beagles

Guest Book

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  Name : german shepherd puppies
Web Site : http://smartfamilypets.com/facts-about-german-shepherd-puppies-for-ado
Country : United States
How you found us : web
Comments : Hi, your pups are beautiful and healthy. whats the price of a female pup?
Date : 8-May-16

  Name : german shepherd puppies
Web Site : http://smartfamilypets.com/facts-about-german-shepherd-puppies-for-ado
Country : United States
How you found us : web
Comments : your website is very beautiful. and the dogs are really healthy and playful. i loved them all :)
Date : 8-May-16

  Name : Christian
Web Site : http://www.beaglehund.de
Country : Germany
How you found us : Internet
Comments : Dear Mrs Telfer, I've just visited your website - very interesting and good information about your lovely Beagles. The pictures are lovely and all your dogs look great! The lovely photos of your Beagles are awesome and give a good insight into your excellent work! I wish you for the future of your Beagle kennel a lot of fun, breeding success, lovely and healthy puppies! Best wishes Christian Beagles make you happy! www.beaglehund.de
Date : 11-Jan-15

  Name : Caroline Clair
Web Site :
Country : Australa
How you found us : Teddy lead the way...
Comments : Dearest Rhonda, Have been laying here in bed looking at, you guessed it, Beagles, on the net. Saw a pic of what looks just like Teddy as a pup and low and behold, it's his Dad, Trumpy. I just had to drop you a message to tell you and your followers how ver much Teddy means to me and how he and Deter saved my life after loosing my beloved Dad.
Date : 9-Jul-13

  Name : Margaret
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Beagle Club.
Comments : Hello, Just letting you know that our little "Millie" whose Mum is your "Georgie" born 13 December 2009. Is doing very well. We love her so much. From the Webb family.
Date : 3-Jul-12

  Name : paul mcdermott
Web Site :
Country : ireland
How you found us :
Comments : i was looking at Brian Foster with your tan & white dog "orobay graceful triumph" yesterday at the Northern Ireland Beagle Club show, where he came RBIS and had to look you up. He is amazing, a lovely beagle in every way. congradulations on breeding such a nice hound and best of luck campaigning him in the UK.
Date : 22-Apr-12

  Name : paul mcdermott
Web Site :
Country : ireland
How you found us :
Comments : i was looking at Brian Foster with your tan & white dog "orobay graceful triumph" yesterday at the Northern Ireland Beagle Club show, where he came RBIS and had to look you up. He is amazing, a lovely beagle in every way. congradulations on breeding such a nice hound and best of luck campaigning him in the UK.
Date : 22-Apr-12

  Name : Inner Light
Web Site : http://inner-lights.jimdo.com
Country : Ukraine
How you found us :
Comments : Beautiful dog! It is like the site. I wish you success in your program of breeding! Free time - come to visit us http://inner-lights.jimdo.com
Date : 15-Feb-12

  Name : Miles
Web Site : http://www.dogsnow.com
Country : USA
How you found us : google
Comments : Your dogs are so beautiful, especially Tessa. She looks like she has a bright future in the show ring.
Date : 22-Sep-10

  Name : Nicole
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dogzonline
Comments : Your Beagles are gorgeous and I love you site thank you
Date : 3-Feb-10

  Name : Susie Muhleisen
Web Site : http://www.dogs.net.au/delsharlabassethounds/
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogzonline
Comments : Thanks Rhonda for spotting my Basset puppy that I had mistakenly listed under the Beagle breed! However, this has led me to your wonderful site and very handsome looking Beagles that I am sure my "long eared" Beagle wouldn't have a chance against! Cheers, Susie. DELSHARLA BASSET HOUNDS
Date : 16-May-09

  Name : Jodie
Web Site :
Country : Cairns Australia
How you found us : goolging
Comments : We desperately want a female beagle and are having alot of trouble finding any in our area...any help would be appreciated.
Date : 24-Apr-09

  Name : Alana & Jay Garret
Web Site : http://n/a
Country : Australia
How you found us : x
Comments : We can't believe Charlie is already 6 months old! He is such an active, affectionate, smart and wilful little guy, and we are still so incredibly infactuated with him! He really has enriched our lives in every way possible. Thanks Rhonda!
Date : 25-May-08

  Name : Jo & Kelvin Genders
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : We have an Orobay beagle
Comments : Hi Rhonda and family, Lovely to see your continued successes with Orobay beagles. Rudy is well; we bought her a companion dog (mixed breed mongrel) in 2006. They love each other. Poppy is now 3 and she and Rudy have a wonderful relationship - they are the best of friends. We will be welcoming our second child in 7 weeks' time. Hope you're all well. Jo, Kelvin, Poppy and Rudy (oh, and Maggie the mutt)
Date : 22-Feb-08

  Name : Jira S.
Web Site : http://www.bolero.pantown.com
Country : Thailand
How you found us : Showbeagle.com
Comments : Very Beutiful packs of Beagles.I enjoy your website very much.
Date : 2-Dec-07

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Contact Details
Rhonda Telfer
Glasshouse Mountains, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]


Web Graphics by Shawna

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies